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Chipsbank (芯邦)

Chipsbank (芯邦)

Chipsbank - 深圳芯邦科技股份有限公司是一家由归国留学生于2003年创立的高新技术企业,注册资金1.088亿元人民币,是国内移动存储控制芯片设计与整体解决方案领域的核心品牌。 2014年7月,Chipsbank芯邦在全国中小企业股份转让系统(新三板)挂牌,开启了资本市场的新篇章。

经过近十余年的发展,Chipsbank芯邦公司已成为国内和国际移动存储技术领域的主要厂商,已成功量产三款产品线,U 盘主控系列芯片,SD/MMC 存储卡控制芯片、读卡器控制系列芯片,三款芯片累计出货量超过10亿片,改变了该领域一直被海外厂商垄断供应的历史,占据了国内市场三分之一的份额。Chipsbank芯邦积累核心专利共计四十多项,国内市场有成熟稳定的客户群;在国内集成电路行业内品牌影响力较大。




Shenzhen Chipsbank Technologies Co.Ltd is a high-tech enterprise founded 2003 by Chinese expatriates returning from the U.S and Singapore.Chipsbank currently has registered invested capital of RMB 103.8 million. including investments from Legend Capital and Intel Capital.Through years of innovation and dedication.Chipsbank has grown into a leading brand in the design of integrated circuit solutions and removeable storage controllers.Chipsbank also entered the growing smart home market in 2011,leveraging its abundant capital and technological expertise to become one of the leading IC designers in the market.
Through more than ten years of research and development.Chipsbank has accumulated a series of core patent technologies that led to the development of three primary groups of products,all of which are leaders in their respective markets.this includes the USB Flash Disk controller series,the SD/MMC memory card controller series,and the smart home product controller series.During this period.the company also attracted widespread media and investor attention by winning a number of honorary titles and awards such as "Certificate for IC Design Enterprise within the National Planning Layout"."Ten-year China Chip" Excellent Design Enterprise Award of Ministry of information Industry,"China Chip" Optimal Market Performance Award,"China Chip" Most Potentiality Award and "Top-ten Most Development Potential IC Design Company of China".
More recently,Chipsbank's proprietary "Capacitive Full Featured Touch Key Controller" technology has been successfully integrated into the products many industry-leading domestic home appliance brands such as Robam.Midea.Vatti.Sanyo.Topbon and many others.In addition, Chipsbank's other controller products (USB3.0, EMMC5.1, UFS2.0, SSD) are been actively developing, or testing.
We believe Chipsbank's achievements are due to our innovative spirit,the technological and managerial talent of our core teams,our founders' experience from working in leading U.S chip design companies.and our structural advantages of localized customer service and marketing.All of these,along with the positive growth environment for China's integrated circuit design industry,will allow us to continue to reach new milestones in our smart home prodects while maintaining industry leadership in removable storage and memory card controllers.

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